Graphic Design

Dutch Design Daily

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Studio Airport

HKU campaign

By 16-07-2017

With more than 3,900 students and over 40 different courses, HKU (University of the Arts Utrecht) is one of the largest art and culture oriented institutes in Europe, consisting of 8 different faculties variating from Games and Interaction to the Conservatory, and from Theater to Art and Economics.

Studio Airport was assigned to develop a concept for the new print and digital campaign that appeals to a young creative audience, aged between 16 to 24. The main goal was to get more visitors during the Open Day.

All the quotes are written in first person, as if they are thoughts or sayings of the students themselves. Each poster drops an ambiguous statement referring to the attitude of the students-to-be. For example: “I don’t learn to remember, I learn to explore” or “I don’t expect something to happen, I make sure it will happen”.